Polivy (polatuzumab vedotin)

Information on this site is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a qualified doctor.

Polatuzumab vedotin is a CD79b-targeted antibody-drug conjugate that preferentially delivers a potent anti-mitotic agent (monomethyl auristatin E, or MMAE) to B-cells, which results in the killing of malignant B-cells 1. Polivy’s targeted approach plays a significant role in providing effective and sustained control over B-cell malignancies.

In Bangladesh, Polivy is approved for the following indication(s)1:

  • Polivy in combination with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and prednisone (R-CHP) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

  • Polivy in combination with bendamustine and rituximab is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who have received at least one prior therapy.

For more disease and treatment related queries, it is recommended that you discuss with your physicians in details.

In Bangladesh, Polivy is available as

  • Vial 30 mg

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To ensure patient safety and quality, it is strongly recommended to verify that, each medicine comes with the Roche Hologram Sticker, DGDA approved DAR (Drug Administration Registration) Number imprinted on it. Neither Radiant nor Roche Bangladesh takes liability of any other sources of products.


  1. Polivy Product Information _ RO5541077_October 2021


Polivy Product Information _ RO5541077_October 2021

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